Friday, May 30, 2008

Summer is here!!

Thank God…summer is here!! Now, summer is not only my favorite time of year because of beaches and suntans, but also because Tony is usually off! So for three glorious months, we get Tony all to ourselves, something Kailyn and I love!!! However, this year Tony decided to do summer school for half the summer to help with a few expenses we had. I know I was a bit sad, but it was heartbreaking to see Kailyn wake up each morning asking where Tony was…it was like she totally knew it was summer and he was supposed to be home with us! But as I stated before, thank God he only is doing summer school for about a month. Anyway, so yes summer is here! Welcome back bathing suits, beach towels and endless bottles of sunscreen…we missed you!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Parties, parties, parties!! It seems like all we do lately is go from one party to the next!! For me, it is something I don’t really mind. I love the fellowship and good food. However, for Kailyn each party starts out a little disappointing. Since the beginning of the year, I have been explaining to Kailyn that her birthday is in July. She does not like this one bit! She doesn’t like it simply for the fact that July is taking its good old time getting here…according to her! In January, a friend from school had a birthday party. Thinking it would be a great idea for Kailyn to pick out the present we went shopping together. She was very excited and even helped me wrap the present; however, when it came time for her friend to open her glorious gift Kailyn literally had an emotional breakdown! Somehow she got dreadfully confused and thought we wrapped the present for her to open at some else’s party! Once that happened, we had a big talk about when her birthday was and that we will not be getting presents at every party we go to! Apparently this is a really hard concept for a three year old to grasp! Each time we have a party she asks, “Is it my party? Is it Kailyn’s birthday?” Each time I have to say no and then I ask her when her birthday is. She usually replies in a sulky and highly disappointed voice, “July…I don’t like July.” Then if she is really disappointed, she will say, “It can be my birthday today and they can have their birthday in July!” She is forever trying to change her birthday and even went up to her friend the other day and was trying to convince her to “switch” birthdays by saying, “It can be my birthday now…you like July. You can have a birthday in July!” Again, I had to explain to her that a birthday is something that cannot be traded or swapped. She wasn’t too happy with that! Needless to say, we are anxiously awaiting July…so I can finally say, “Yes, Kailyn it is your birthday…finally!”

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Turning corners

Looking back on this past year, I realized Kailyn has turned A LOT of corners! She sprung from diapers to panties…in fact, on this very day one year ago!!! She actually “ran” in the road race this year, rather than saunter across the finish line. She no longer takes her daily nap, although on occasion she does take a bit of a rest. She upgraded from baby toothpaste to Daddy and Mommy toothpaste…very fun! But, the most recent and, honestly next to potty training my very favorite, is her new found love for the doctor! When Kailyn was young, she had numerous ear infections and we were constantly at the doctors…it is my belief that this is why she developed a deep hatred for the dreaded doctor’s office. I took Kailyn to the doctor this month and instead of screaming, fussing and fidgeting, she was happy, peaceful and obedient! She did so well, I didn’t know what to do! A big turn in our life!!! I could probably go on for the next hour or so and list the many changes that have taken place in just this last year; however, I have come to the realization that Kailyn is a completely different child! She is no longer solely dependent on Tony and me; in fact she is highly independent and tries to do all she can on her own. Gone are the days of our little darling baby girl…here are the days of, “I can do it. I don’t need help. I am big enough!” She is officially our darling big girl now! I didn’t think this would come so soon! So, despite the constant turning of corners in our sweet “big” girl’s life, I find myself a bit melancholy! Yes, these achievement and “upgrades” are marvelous, wonderful and truthfully helpful…but is it terrible that I wish I could make them stop for a bit and we could just keep her as she is…just for awhile! She is our ever changing flower, blossoming into something quit beautiful and magnificent!

Friday, May 16, 2008


Since it is getting close to Kailyn’s birthday, I decided we would try and get her picture taken once more. Despite the fact I knew it would be a grueling and hard endeavor, it needed to be done.

Let me first give you some background info on Kailyn and her history of getting her picture professionally taken. Around our house it wouldn’t be anything out the ordinary for me to be taking random pictures of Kailyn or having her pose in some funny outfit she picked out…she honestly loves to have Mommy take her picture (probably due to the fact that for the first two years of her life that is the only way she saw me…behind a camera, happily snapping away). However, put her in a room with plenty of props, beautiful backgrounds, beaming lights, and high-tech camera equipment and the tears will begin to flow! Kailyn has dreaded getting her picture taken ever since she was one! So, in all the lovely portraits we or our relatives have she may seem happy…but that is far from the truth! Usually, I schedule her appointments so that both Tony and I will be there…yes it requires two of us to get just one smile! So let me play it out for you. We walk in, Kailyn clinching Tony and/or my hand for dear life. She looks around, and then it begins, “Hold me, please! I don’t like this place!” Usually we get her to sit down with Tony and I mere inches away from her and inevitably she has at least two massive meltdowns and her face turns bright red. By the end not only are Tony and I exhausted but the poor camera person who had to deal with us for the past hour or so is ready to kick us to the curb! I am sure every professional photographer that has taken Kailyn’s picture, watches us as we leave and wonders why in the world pictures mean so much to us and why on earth it is so hard to get our little girl to crack a smile! One time we had not only the photographer but two other people who worked there trying to make Kailyn smile just once! It is always a patient trying, totally exhausting, emotion filled visit!

Having said all that, I wasn’t really looking forward to getting her picture taken today…by myself! So, Tonyless and a bit worried we headed to our appointment. As soon as we walked in, Kailyn remembered where we were. “Oh, I don’t like to get my picture taken here! It’s not fun.” As she said this, all I could do was take a deep breath and continue to pray for a miracle…I wasn’t really in the mood for a physically and emotionally exhausting morning. So, I signed us in and we waited for about five minutes. I must insert here that this particular photographer was excellent, we have gone to her before but this time she did awesome! Anyway, she came out and introduced herself to Kailyn and asked if she was ready. A bit hesitant Kailyn followed, not holding my hand, but the photographers instead. She walked into the room and followed every direction the photographer gave her, looking at me after each picture and saying, “Look…cheese!” In a mere twenty minutes we were done! Not one tear, one bit of hesitation, or one insecurity…she loved it! Not only did she enjoy it, but her pictures were truly precious! So, we have turned a corner! No longer is she deathly afraid of her photographer, but she actually likes getting her picture taken…at least for the time being:)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Lunch with my Godmom

Kailyn’s Godmother is a very good friend of mine, Lisa. Lisa’s birthday is at the beginning of May and this year, we took her out for lunch on her birthday. Before I go on, I want to give just a little background here about how Kailyn slightly believes Lisa is not only her Godmother…but her fairy Godmother!

Recently, I was talking to Kailyn about her Godmother and explaining to her that Aunt Lisa’s birthday was coming up. While I was telling her that we were going to take her out to lunch, Kailyn’s eyes got unusually large and a big smile appeared on her face. I asked her what she was so excited about and she replied, “I have a Godmother?” I stated that of course she had a Godmother and reminded her that it was Lisa. I think the misunderstanding here lied in the fact that Kailyn usually called Lisa Godmom. Anyhow, I didn’t think it was that big of a deal that she was so excited. I guess that I should have put two and two together and realized that with this newfound name for Lisa, Kailyn thought she had become something greater…her fairy Godmother! You know, Cinderella really is to blame for my child’s simple misconception! The idea of a fairy godmother showing up and giving you all sorts of cool things like a sweet pumpkin to ride in and a really beautiful gown is amazing and at Kailyn’s age totally believable! So as I walked off as apparently visions of mice, pumpkins and gowns began filling Kailyn’s head!

All throughout lunch, Kailyn seemed to be engrossed in Lisa…she wanted to sit by her and every once in a while she would look at me with a big smile and then look back at Lisa. Honestly, I thought she was just really happy to see her. It wasn’t until I was buckling Kailyn in her car seat that she said, “That was my Godmother…like Cinderella!” “Yes,” I replied, “she is your Godmother…just like Cinderella.” My mistake! On our way home I thought about it and when we arrived home I told her that despite the fact Lisa is her Godmother, she doesn’t have a magicwond. “But she is my fairly Godmother!” Like so many things at this age I tried to explain the difference to her, but I felt as if she didn’t grasp a word of what I said! So to this day, when Kailyn see her dear Godmother at any time she gets rather excited and reminds me with a big smile, “That is MY Godmother!”

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I think when a baby is born you can tell within the first year if they prefer men to women or women to men. For example, we often used to call my nephew a ladies man…because he simply preferred women to hold him. For Kailyn, that seemed to be the case for her. She would always drift into the arms of a loving and nurturing woman…or just back to mommy. She honestly was a Mama’s girl!
As the years have past, I am a bit sad to say I think that is all changing. Gone are the days of, “Mommy will you hold me. Mommy will you read me my bedtime story. Mommy, mommy, mommy.” No, we are experiencing a new stage; I like to call this stage the “Daddy Rock’s” stage! I am a bit sad to say, I think the “Mommy” days are over…at least for a bit. So, yes Kailyn has truly become the epitome of a “Daddy’s girl.” She wakes up each morning and asks where Daddy is, and throughout the day will say, “You know…I really need my Dad.” She is usually on the steps waiting for Tony to come home and on the weekends RARELY ever leaves his side! She thinks her Daddy not only hung the moon, but the stars as well!
With this ever growing love for her father came another change. Kailyn now loves men…not just men actually, baby boys, toddler boys, elementary school boys, middle school boys, high school guys and even older men! If we go to a playground, Kailyn immediately finds some random boy playing in the dirt or trying some daring acrobatic move on the monkey bars and follows him around for the duration of our time there. She has three cousins who are all boys and she thinks they are simply awesome…I do believe sometimes she wishes she could be a boy just like them. My sister, her husband and there boys recently visited Georgia. It was on this visit that Kailyn told me, “I like my Uncle Mikey…he can take care of me!” Mike is my sister’s husband and the father of Kailyn’s three crazy cousins. Not only that, but at a party we had last weekend Kailyn found herself another gentleman. We were getting ready and Kailyn was playing in the living room and an older gentleman, who is like a grandpa to me. He sat down and started playing Zoo with Kailyn. After a bit of playing it was time for her to go to sleep and she said, “He is my friend.” Whether it be the fact that guys don’t mind sitting on the floor and playing with animals or the fact that they actually don’t mind getting dirty (something Kailyn LOVES to do), Kailyn is fascinated with the men and boys of all ages! I don’t think this newfound love of the male species is anything to be too worried about…well at least not until she’s a bit older!