Monday, June 30, 2008

Poem for my Daddio

When you think of a Daddy, what comes to mind?

Is your daddy gently, loving and kind?

Is your daddy someone who will always be there,

Whether it be hundreds of miles or simply right here?

Is he the sort of daddy, who will come to your aide,

When the scary monster in your closet will not go away?

When you’ve fallen down and got a boo-boo,

Will he mend your cut and kiss it, too?

Will he tell you everything will be fine and alright,

When you and your best friend have had quite a fight?

Can your daddy cheer you up when you are ever so sad.

And make all the world better when you are feeling mad?

Is he the kind of daddy who likes to have fun,

Who will play ponies with you…even if he has to be one?

Can your daddy play tag and soccer, too?

Will he run through the sprinkler and color with you?

Does your daddy help you learn your ABCs?

Will he even help you could to one hundred and three?

Will your daddy read you bedtime stores, as you slowly close your eyes?

Will he read one, two, maybe three…or even five?

Is your daddy your hero, who can save the day,

The one you look up to, in more than one way?

My Daddy is such; he is ALL of these things!

And I know he will be there for me, whatever life brings!

So, with a hug and a kiss, I will say adieu,

To the bestest daddy in the world…that’s you!

I love you, Daddi-o!

Happy Father’s Day!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My new treefort!

This summer, Tony decided that he wanted to build a tree fort for Kailyn…something he has wanted to do for a very long time! We had been trying to explain what it was to Kailyn and that it would be her very own little space. She took this to mean it would be her very own house! A few days before we were going to start, Tony and I went to Lowe’s and bought all the wood, nail, screws, and everything else we would need for Tony’s little creation. After two trips to and from Lowe’s, because there was so much wood, we were done. We brought Kailyn out into the back yard to show her what her tree fort started out as. Now I have to say, we did get a bit of lumber and supplies, so the corner of our back yard resembled that of a lumber yard! She ran around the wood, climbed over and it and decided it was good. So the groundbreaking took place in mid June. Kailyn’s godfather, Larry, came over to help Tony with the framing. By lunchtime, they had completed almost all of the framing! They made great progress and over the next few weeks, Tony continued to work on the fort and finish it up. Kailyn even helped quite a bit! As work progressed, it was amazing to see her face and how excited she was! Finally it was all finished and we all climbed up in it. As Kailyn surveyed her very own space, she said very satisfied, “I like my house daddy, it is cool! Thank you!!” Since then, she has had numerous picnic lunches and dinners inside her happy little “house.” I have to also say that I know Kailyn was blown away by all that Tony did, but so was I! It’s amazing! So Tony, I have to say thank you…for all you do and for how happy you make your girls!! We love you!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Uncle Billy's at Chili's?!

This particular little story came about from a simple misunderstanding Kailyn had about her Uncle…it is rather cute and really showed how much kids pick up on the little things!

Alright, so this May my not so little brother Billy headed to Chile to teach English in a small city called . Despite the fact that I was very sad to see Billy go, I was excited for the experience he had ahead of him. Now, Billy had been spending a bit of time at our house lately and by doing such has formed a rather beautiful bond with Kailyn. She truly loves and looks up to her dear Uncle Billy. When he left, we wanted to make sure we explained to her why he wouldn’t be coming over for a bit…well six months to be exact. We told Kailyn that Uncle Billy was going to Chile to be a teacher. She seemed to kind of get it…I think. About a month later, we decided to go to Chili’s, the restaurant, to pick up so food. Before I left, I asked Kailyn if she wanted to stay home with Daddy or come with Mommy to Chili’s. Instantly, she dropped the toy she had been playing with and said rather exuberantly, “I can go with you Mommy!!” I was a little shocked about how excited she was to go, but I just figured she wanted to spend time with me…ha-ha! The whole way there she kept saying, “We are going to Chili…yeah!” Like I said, I just thought she was happy to be coming with me…I was wrong. As soon as we pulled up she said, “We are here! We can see Uncle Billy now!!!” I turned around a bit astonished and tried to explain that Uncle Billy was in Chile, not at Chili’s…a bit too much for her I think! So, we headed inside and I placed our order. As soon as I was done, Kailyn said, “Come on we have to find him. Where is he?” At this moment I wanted so bad to make Billy appear. There was Kailyn, simply heartbroken that she couldn’t find her Uncle and totally confused! We sat down, and again I tried to explain it to her. Her simple response was, “But you said he was at Chili’s!” I told her that he was in the country of Chili and attempted once more to explain the difference, but in the end, I just held her in my lap and told her that today we would not be able to see him. With a little tear in her eye, she said, “We can see him later…right?” I reassured her that yes in a while we would see him again. This simple errand to run and pick up food showed me so much about our darling girl. She really does love her dear Uncle and that whatever we say she will remember! Until Billy returns in December, I do believe she still thinks he is there!