Finally it’s here, thank God!!! The day Kailyn has been waiting for over six months to get here…her birthday!! As I previously wrote, it has been really hard for Kailyn to go to parties and it seems like she is the last of all her friends to have a birthday! So on this fateful morning I awoke, excitement overflowing, ready to finally say, “Yes sweetheart, today is your birthday…I told you July would come!” Now on this particular day, we had planned to spend it doing exactly what Kailyn wanted, we wanted today to feel like her day. We had planned to let her open her presents whenever she wanted, go to the movie theatre and see Wall-E, a movie she has been wanting to see for quite some time now, and then finish up with a party at my parents (for both Tony and Kailyn, seeing as Tony’s birthday was the day before). So in we traipsed to relay the glorious news that her birthday had finally come and she was now a big four year old! Her reaction was priceless! Her eyes lit up with so much joy and across her face was the biggest smile I do believe I have ever seen! “It’s July twenty, my birthday!!! Yippee!” Needless to say the day was a big hit. She loved the movie and had a blast at her party! She was showered with endless gifts and treated like a princess! She loved it! As she was drifting off to sleep that night, gently snuggling the Wall-E she got from Tony she smiled and said, “I like July.”
Now, you may think that was it…but no. That next morning we woke up and imagine her surprise when I reminded her that she had yet another party! Today she would have a party at her favorite place, besides Baba’s house, Chuck-E-Cheese with all her little friends! This was actually Kailyn’s very first “friend” party! Let me tell you it was wonderful! They actually had a little show put on for Kailyn and gave her balloons, extra tokens and tickets, cake and a giant lollipop! It was worth every penny we spent to see how excited she was and how happy she was to finally be able to say, “This is my party. It’s July! I like July!”