Since I knew that my long fun days with Kailyn would soon be coming to an end, we have tried to do a few fun things together to sort of celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of a new time in our lives. One morning, I asked Kailyn what she would like to do and she said she really wanted to paint her nails. I thought this would be great, so I set up a “spa” area and gave Kailyn a pedicure and manicure. She loved this and really loved picking her color out from our limited selection. The best part was when I was done and her nails were dry she turned to me and said, “Now it’s your turn, Mom.” So, I sat there and let her give me a pedicure and manicure! It was so cute, she proceeded to file my nails and do exactly what I did! She picked out several colors and did a fairly good job…if the color hadn’t been a bit much for me I really would have left it! It was just a fun morning and one I will always remember with extreme happiness!