Sunday, November 8, 2009!!!

OMG!! At first glance one believes computers to be one of the single greatest inventions ever. I mean, you can surf the web, write blogs and articles, store and enhance photos and yes even watch or record movies...seriously awesome! Until the unmentionable happens...for one reason or another this wonderful creation decides it's not going to take your excessive clicking and tapping anymore and refuses to start up! At this point, illusions of grandeur are gone and rather nasty words begin spewing from your mouth profusely! This is the OMG moment...when you realize...all your pictures, your writings, your virtual world has just crumbled and vanished into the black hole of technology...and you are left there wondering helplessly...why me?!?! Ahhh, yes technology...the blessing and the curse! So this horrific event happen not just once to Tony and I...but twice! First it was our desktop, followed right behind by our laptop. So, there I was crying and mourning the loss of all my precious photos and writings, whilst Tony scrambled to recover what he could. Regretfully, we weren't able to save our scorned laptop; however, we retrieved most of the desktop. For most people this would be a victory...not to me. I have just come to grasp that we will just have to inform Kailyn she has no photo documentation of her beloved doggy pool party or any events happening for a brief six month period in her life...but hey they're just pictures and words...right?!?! OMG!