Sunday, November 8, 2009!!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Letting things go
Now, since I have started working, I find it much harder to carry out my usual evening routine. There is no longer time to just fool around, every minute has to be carefully and thoughtfully used. With this new routine, I have had to let a few things go here and there. One such thing is that I started vacuuming every other night, or in last weeks case I actually waited three days...shocker! So on day three, Kailyn calls me into the bathroom and simply states, "Mom, you see that piece of dirt right there? You know, you should really vacuum our house. We don't want it to get dirty...yuck." As I sat there and looked at her staring up at me, her face showing the utmost concern I could do nothing better than agree with her. "I know I said, it's just been crazy lately." Her response was simple and sweet, "Yeah, I know...but I still love you." At least she loves me, our house may be drowning in pounds of dog hair, but she loves me...what more do I need!
So, amid all these wonderful changes, I am learning you have to just let some things go...and if they get really least I have a very honest, and loving five year old who will keep me on track!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
running the good race

Regarding the, 6.2 miles felt more like 12.2 miles...and despite the fact I felt like the race would never end, we did it...and we did it together! When I say together, I truly mean it...our times were exactly the same...down to the second! So, here's to third in our category...we so totally rock!

Friday, September 25, 2009
the joys of coming home
When Tony got home shortly after, I told him about our joyful reunion and he simply said, "Now you know how good it feels to come home." He was all too right!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
All about Keke...a little about us...a whole lot about our little family
Friday, September 18, 2009
Ballerina Girl

Monday, September 14, 2009
I miss my favorite boy and girl!

The house is quiet…not just for the moment…but the entire morning! Tony said goodbye around
So many things are changing now. Tony’s back at work, Kailyn seems to have grown up in the blink of an eye and starting school, and I’m getting ready to start a new job in a week. All these changes are new and, even though I don’t want to admit it, they are wonderful. I used to wish I could just freeze time and keep Kailyn little forever, but I am realizing everyday that if that ever happened I would miss out on so much! Watching her grow has, and is the single most amazing thing to me! Seeing her change from a precious baby to a fully independent five year old has been astounding. And though I will miss our long lazy days together, I can’t help but look forward to all the new and wonderful memories that lie in store for our little family.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Kailyn's first day of school!

“Mom, will we have lunch? What are we going to do? Will we just play all day? Where am I going to sit? Will it be like my old school?” As I lay with Kailyn in her bed trying in vain to put her to sleep, these questions and many more kept streaming from her mouth. I’m not sure I have ever seen her like this! She could not fall asleep, anxious for the new beginning that lay before her! “Kailyn” I said, “I am not sure what tomorrow will be like, but I know you will have a great time.” It took over an hour to finally get her to fall asleep. In five years, I am not sure it has EVER taken her that long to go to bed. I knew she was excited, but I had no idea she would be so worried about her first day of school! Actually, her book bag had been packed for almost two weeks in anticipation.
Her first day ended up going wonderfully. Tony took the day off, for moral support…thanks Hon! She woke up happy and excited to start a new part of her life and as we headed to school she was all smiles and goofiness. They had an assembly that morning and announced the rather small class of only ten children. We were able to go with her to her room for a few minutes and she seemed ready for us to leave and get on with the day. She is truly an independent girl! That afternoon, we went to pick her up and she looked totally and completely exhausted! She was so cute walking to the carpool line in her little uniform with book bag in tow…our big girl. We went out for a little post school snack of chips and cheese dip at our local Mexican restaurant. There Kailyn proceeded to tell us as much as she could remember of her day, which was…we ate and played. At least she remembered the important stuff! We asked her if she wanted to go back tomorrow and she enthusiastically nodded yes. Despite the fact that I will miss her dearly, I am so very glad she had a good first day and seems to be liking school…let’s just hope the novelty of it doesn’t wear off too soon!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
girl time

Since I knew that my long fun days with Kailyn would soon be coming to an end, we have tried to do a few fun things together to sort of celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of a new time in our lives. One morning, I asked Kailyn what she would like to do and she said she really wanted to paint her nails. I thought this would be great, so I set up a “spa” area and gave Kailyn a pedicure and manicure. She loved this and really loved picking her color out from our limited selection. The best part was when I was done and her nails were dry she turned to me and said, “Now it’s your turn, Mom.” So, I sat there and let her give me a pedicure and manicure! It was so cute, she proceeded to file my nails and do exactly what I did! She picked out several colors and did a fairly good job…if the color hadn’t been a bit much for me I really would have left it! It was just a fun morning and one I will always remember with extreme happiness!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Five favorite burger and fries
As previously mentioned, we spent a week in
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Charleston trip with the kiddos

A few years back, my sisters and I decided to take Sarah’s three boys and Kailyn to the beach for the day. It was a great day. We had so much fun, running along the beach, swimming a bit and playing in the sand. We were reminiscing about this the other day and decided, why not try and recreate our fun day. So, being the spontaneous girls that we are, we decided to just go ahead and head to
After our draining day at the beach, we head to a seafood restaurant to engorge ourselves in beachy food! Let me tell you…I have never seen four children eat so much!!! It was such a fun day, followed by a fun dinner! And, despite the monsoon that hit us on the way home, it was all a completely awesome experience and I can’t wait till next year!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Athens Vaca
This summer, Tony’s school sent him to
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Swim lessons

Last summer my sister and brother in-law moved back to
Monday, June 1, 2009
Happy Summer!!!
Yeah…SUMMER!! As with every summer, we are exstatic to see this one come…although, I must admit I am a little sad. This is the last summer before Kailyn starts school! I can’t believe in a mere few months our baby starts school!!! Ahhh….well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it! However, for now we are going to enjoy our lazy days filled with family time, swimming and laying out at my sister’s pool! So, here’s to a great summer…WE LOVE THE SUN!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
No more preschool...yeah
So, Kailyn finished going to her pre-school…or Ms. Solde’s as we call it. She is very excited that she is big enough to go to school and can’t wait for her first day! And though this is a wonderful new chapter of our lives, I have to admit I will miss her old school and her simply wonderful teacher. I asked her the other day if she would miss it and she just responded, “No, I am a big kid now. I will never go to a little school again.” As I sat back, a bit astounded, I looked at her and realized…she’s right! She isn’t our darling little girl anymore…she really is a big kid! What a bitter-sweet moment!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Daddy's hair
So, you know those moments that happen and you wish you could just freeze them or take a picture, but you have no camera! The moments that one day when your little daughter grown up you’ll smile and say, “I remember when…” Those simple and sweet little moments that make up our everyday lives. One of these such moments happened in Church a while back and I hope to always remember it. As I said, we were in Church and since Kaliyn’s legs apparently don’t ever work Tony was holding her. She had both her little arms wrapped around his neck and her cheek pressed to his. As if this wasn’t cute enough, she gently put her hand on his head and rubbed it back and forth. She then looked at him gave him a little kiss and preceded hugging him and rubbing his head. I thought it was so cute! Since then she will often just be talking to Tony and start rubbing his head. Intrigued, I asked her one day if she liked daddy’s hair. She simply replied, “Yes, I love it.” I think the fact of the matter is that she loves everything about Tony and I find that simply wonderful!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
i have a surprise for you...
So, if you haven’t figured this out yet, we have the sweetest daughter! I know everyone probably thinks that…but we really do! Last night, Kailyn and I were eating dinner, just the two of us because Tony teaches class three nights a week. She came bounding into the kitchen and settled quickly in her seat. As she started eating, I asked her if she liked it and she said, “Yes!” Then she got up came over and gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek and said, “This is so yummy, thank you mommy!” Now I’ve been cooking dinner for roughly four years and never gotten that reaction…ever! (I’m not counting the first year we were married because we mostly ate at my parents and out…I know it’s hard to believe but I didn’t really know how to cook…haha!)
Earlier this month she did something similar. I told her we were going to do something she really liked and she smiled happily and said, “I have a surprise for you.” She then proceeded to give me a big hug and kiss followed by, “You’re the best mommy ever!” Like I said, I am sure most people think there child is the sweetest, but these random “I love yous” and “you’re the best mommy ever” paired with big hugs and kisses make me believe she really is the sweetest!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Princesses, Ponies, Pet shop…Star Wars, Indiana Jones!
As Kailyn and I sat on the couch playing Lego Indiana Jones yesterday I started thinking of all the phases she has gone through and how different each could be. We’ve gone from flowers and butterflies to dirt and animals, from princesses and ponies to Star Wars and Indiana Jones and a bit of Littlest Pet Shop scattered in there. Sometimes she almost seems girly, but then she usually busts out some Kung Fu moves or pretends to be Indiana Jones and the girlyness vanishes. At the least, she is very diverse in her likings…a little of everything. One moment she is prancing about the house dancing in her ballerina tutu and the next she is swinging from her bed post pretending to be Indiana Jones in the
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
So, it’s that time of year again…Glory Run! This year, Tony and I decided to take Kailyn up to the place where she was going to race and let her run it a few times, just so she could be familiar with it. Now I’ve been telling her about it and she helped me prepare the letters asking for people to sponsor her a few months back…so she knows all about it. Actually, she has become rather excited about it. So when we told her we were going to walk down and practice, she was so excited we ran the entire way down! She then went on to run the short route twice back to back and wanted to run it more, but we made her rest. I was blown away, could this be the same girl that begged me to hold her last year and told me this was just “too much work?!” Crazy!
Now the course was all marked with a start and finish and a little yellow line to just let you know where to go, Kailyn thought this was awesome. We started heading home and before we knew it we were running again! When we got home, she told me “Mom, I like running. Can I have a racing track?” I told her she would have to talk to her daddy about that. (We all know the answer to anything Kailyn asks daddy… “Of course baby!”) Needless to say Tony said yes, and he would make one the next day. That following day after Tony got home from work he and Kailyn talked about what kind of “track” she wanted. After a moment it was decided she would have a diamond. After a few minutes it appeared. A bright orange diamond with an S at the starting line and an F at the finish! I didn’t think something so simple could make someone so happy…she was ecstatic! We raced around it a few times…even Cole jumped in. Let me tell you, she is faster than I thought…that’s my girl! After a bit of running, Tony and I decided to teach her kick ball…since the shape of the track was the perfect shape for a kick ball field. This was so much fun! We spent the next hour in the back yard playing three man kick ball and just having fun. Like I said it’s amazing how a simple can of paint can bring about so much fun…and wonderful family time.
In regards to the race Kailyn did amazing! She finished second, but just by a few feet. It was adorable to see her so focused! Her head straight and her eyes set on that finish line! When she was done, Tony and I couldn’t stop telling her how proud of her we were. Beaming she replied, “I didn’t look at all the people just at my race.”
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
When Kailyn was two and three, we used to call her “our little mockingbird.” We called her this because she would literally repeat everything we said. Anything from a simple word to sometimes whole sentences. Now that was almost two year ago, and a phase that I thought was long gone and just a sweet, distant memory. I was wrong. We were at dinner a few nights ago and Tony started telling me this story about something that happened at his job. All of a sudden Kailyn burst out saying the exact thing Tony had just said. She didn’t stop there either, she continued on to make up the rest and finish the story herself. I thought this was just a one time thing, but I was wrong…again. I was working and knocked something over the other day, out of frustration I said “aww, crap!” Kailyn looked up and proceeded to say, “aww, crap!” The only thing I could think of was, thank God I didn’t say the other word I was thinking! I told her I was sorry and that I shouldn’t have said “crap” and neither should she. It seems now, more than ever Kailyn is like a little sponge soaking up everything. I guess we could call her Sponge Bird Mocking Pants (Sponge Bob Square Pants)! Needless to say the mimicking is still going on and Tony and I have decided to be more selective about what we talk about around our little bird.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Our everchanging, little wonder
About November of this past year, Kailyn decided she didn’t want to grow anymore, for fear that she would no longer be our daughter. After our heart to heart talk and an explanation that no matter how big she got she would always be our daughter things were a bit better. Now it is February and her whole outlook on “growing bigger” has completely changed! We were just having a little chat one day and she looked at me and said, “Mom, when I grow up will I be just like you?” I asked her what she meant and she said, “Will I be your size?” I told her that everyday you grow a little and that one day she would be as big as mommy (probably taller though). She seemed very happy about this! Ever since out little talk, she is constantly asking when she will be mommy’s size and is she really growing. It seems that in a mere four months she went from wanting to stay little forever to wanting to grow bigger immediately. Now I don’t like this at all, because if it were up to me I would freeze time and keep her little forever! I explained to her that she can’t really see herself grow everyday, but it is happening. In addition to wanting to grow up faster, she wants to do everything I do! I find this totally cute and simply sweet. The other day we were getting ready to go somewhere and I told her that I had to get a shower, blow dry my hair and get ready. She stopped playing and said, “Oh yeah, me too! I want to do everything you do.” Since we had ample time to get ready I decided to humor her. I let her take a shower, blew dry her hair and she picked out her clothes (something she has started doing A LOT). When I was putting on some make-up before we headed out the door she said, “Oh, I need some of that too. The sparkly kind.” Now this is a really touchy area for me, because I think girls now a day wear make-up WAY too young! I know I was the exception, because I didn’t start wearing make-up until my sophomore year of high school, and even then it was only mascara, but I still object to starting make-up too young. So, this was my dilemma…what to do, what to do. Then I realized my daughter was only four and the only reason she wanted make-up was to be like mommy, not to impress the four and five year old boys at her pre-school! So yes, I gave in. For those few moments we played with make-up, I let her help me with mine and I proceeded to put a few “sparkles” on her eyes. So we have started yet another chapter of life and changes are coming along faster than I can process them! It seems everyday she changes and grows and I am sure before we know it she will be wanting to wear make-up to impress those boys I wasn’t so worried about years before!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
As I previously stated around May of last year, Kailyn hit the “daddy” phase. Things no longer were “I just want mommy”, but “where is my daddy”… “I need my daddy!” Kailyn is still like that. She knows Tony has to work and still asks for him every morning, rejoices on the mornings he gets to stay home and is anxiously awaiting his return when he does have to work. Lately, Kailyn has become especially attached to Tony. I don’t know if it was because she was able to spend so much time over Christmas break with him or because he is just the best dad ever! The other night we were getting Kailyn ready for bed and she insisted that Tony do everything. Then when it was time for goodnight kisses, she calmly told me, “Mommy, you don’t kiss daddy…he is my daddy.” I was a little taken aback and wanted to say, “I can kiss him whenever I want…he’s my husband!” However, I then remembered this was our four year old daughter I was talking to. Instead I simply said I would give daddy a kiss later. Then a few days after, Kailyn came to me with this light up necklace and told me, “Mom, I am going to wear this for my wedding.” I chuckled softly and said I thought that would be a great idea, I would definitely save it for her. That night, she told Tony the same thing. Tony’s response was a little different. “Wedding, your never getting married…right!” She only responded with, “Yes I am daddy. I am going to marry you.” Tony and I looked at each other not sure what to say. Then we told her that I was married to daddy and she insisted that both she and I could be married to him. Obviously she doesn’t have the same idea of marriage that most people have. I do believe to her it is the idea of loving someone and just spending time together. When I think of it, it is rather beautiful to see how much Kailyn loves and looks up to her daddy. As I stated before, she not only thinks Tony hung the moon, but the stars as well!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Another new year
I can’t believe that it is 2009 already! My how time flies! This New Year, we decided to spend with my family celebrating Christmas because we were gone for most of the Christmas break. It would be fun night with a big dinner, presents to open, games to play and fireworks to watch! Now since we were gone so much, we had decided to save most of Kailyn’s gifts for when we got home. We wanted to have a Christmas at our house with our gifts to her, stockings and all our usual Christmas traditions. So New Year’s Eve wasn’t just going to be a fun night, but a fun day too! Kailyn woke up that morning not really knowing what to expect and was totally blown away! There were presents under the tree, stockings stuffed with goodies, homemade cookies to eat for breakfast (my favorite part), and a new swing set waiting outside for her! She was so happy…and so were we. We spent the rest of the morning and afternoon playing with all our new “toys” and enjoying yet another Christmas. Now if I were Kailyn, I would think, “Man what a great day,” but there was more! Around lunchtime we reminded her about the party that night at my sister’s house and it goes without saying that she was rather excited! Since we had been out of town for about two weeks, she hadn’t seen her cousins at all…she was dying to see them! Not only did she want to see them, but almost as soon as we walked in the door she wanted them to open her presents that we had gotten them. It was so cute to see her handing each of them their gifts and saying, “I got that for you” and then excitedly wait while they opened it. After eating and opening the many gifts, we decided it was firework time! Sparklers twinkled in the darkness as the “pyrotechnic crew”…my dad and brothers set up the big fireworks! Now for the past few years we have had mediocre fireworks…nothing much but still good. This year my brother in law went to