As most anyone who has been around Kailyn knows, she is not the most agile girl. She has her fair share of bumps and bruises inflicted of course from various run-ins with doors, beds, and pretty much anything. I have to admit here, it is all my fault. Kailyn was not merely born with this awful clumsiness…she inherited it from her mother. I am so sorry, my sweetest daughter! Yes, together Kailyn and I look quit battered and bruised some days! In fact, when I was in high school we had an island in our kitchen. This island was the bane of my existence and because of it, I spent most of my high school years with bruises on both of my hips. I usually ran into said island at least five times a week and it almost always resulted in a bruise of one sort or another. I am just a rather clumsy person…I have to admit. So back to Kailyn. She too has her clumsy moments…which are becoming more and more frequent. It no longer shocks me when Kailyn runs crying to me and says, “The door ran into me and now I have a boo-boo!” I merely reassure her that pieces of wood can’t walk or run into us on their own…we are simply a clumsy breed of gals and maybe some day we’ll learn how to walk. Despite this, when Kailyn heard two of her best girl friends were taking ballet, she insisted she learn too. Since the class was only about three weeks long and taught by a really sweet high school girl, I thought, “why not.” Deep down inside I was actually thinking, “Thank God!! Maybe this will teach her how to walk without running into stationary objects!” Now, the class has ended and I am not sure if it had any impact on Kailyn’s walking ability, but I know she had a wonderful time. I think in those three weeks, she even became a little more “girly.” She had her recital last weekend and it was the cutest mess of organized chaos I have ever seen! Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of a whole new love for Kailyn…we’ll just have to see.

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