A 10k...6.2 miles. Does that distance seem long...or short to you? If you had asked me within the

last 3 months I would probably have responded something like this, "oh, it's not that long...we run 10-12 miles on the weekends, 6 is nothing." Today I would definitely reply differently! My sister and I ran in the Broad Street Ramble today (awesome job Augusta Striders). It was a 10k on a relatively flat course. We started out very strong and finished in our best time yet. I have to insert here, that my sister has a separate blog and last week she wrote about training/running as sisters and how wonderful it is. She was and is so right! During the race today, she was my constant motivator. I know I wouldn't have finished in the time we did, if it wasn't for her...despite the fact that I wanted to punch her when she kept saying, "let's pick it up." Throughout the entire race, she motivated and truly pushed us on. So, thanks Sarah for being the voice that kept me going

today...that and my wonderful family's cheering. It is amazing how much just seeing someone can be inspirational. Tony, Kailyn and Sarah's family were camped out on a curb to cheer us on and then again at the finish line. What a good group of cheerers we had! Not to leave the little kiddos out either, at the end of everything, they had a tot-trot...all the kids did great and despite having to wait a bit, had a good time, thanks to the cookies and gatorade:)
Regarding the question...today, 6.2 miles felt more like 12.2 miles...and despite the fact I felt like the race would never end, we did it...and we did it together! When I say together, I truly mean it...our times were exactly the same...down to the second! So, here's to third in our category...we so totally rock!