Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our shining star

Each year at Kailyn’s pre-school, they have a Christmas pageant, and each year the “graduating” class of that year gets to have all the lead roles. Since Kailyn fell into that category, she was chosen to be the head Angel and the star of Bethlehem. Now, as with most things, Kailyn took this responsibility very seriously. She practiced her lines intently and even asked the teacher if she could have more lines to recite! In no time at all, she had her lines memorized. Her teacher even asked if I wouldn’t mind reading the story this year…I felt honored and a little nervous at the same time…I don’t like getting up in front of crowds…not matter how small! So, the day came for the dress rehearsal and like the previous year, it went really well. The difference between last year and this year was that the day of the pageant, it went better than rehearsed! The children did great and Kailyn was perfect! She felt so very important standing up there saying her lines and hold her star! She was without a doubt our little shining star!

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