Saturday, September 26, 2009

running the good race

A 10k...6.2 miles. Does that distance seem long...or short to you? If you had asked me within the last 3 months I would probably have responded something like this, "oh, it's not that long...we run 10-12 miles on the weekends, 6 is nothing." Today I would definitely reply differently! My sister and I ran in the Broad Street Ramble today (awesome job Augusta Striders). It was a 10k on a relatively flat course. We started out very strong and finished in our best time yet. I have to insert here, that my sister has a separate blog and last week she wrote about training/running as sisters and how wonderful it is. She was and is so right! During the race today, she was my constant motivator. I know I wouldn't have finished in the time we did, if it wasn't for her...despite the fact that I wanted to punch her when she kept saying, "let's pick it up." Throughout the entire race, she motivated and truly pushed us on. So, thanks Sarah for being the voice that kept me going today...that and my wonderful family's cheering. It is amazing how much just seeing someone can be inspirational. Tony, Kailyn and Sarah's family were camped out on a curb to cheer us on and then again at the finish line. What a good group of cheerers we had! Not to leave the little kiddos out either, at the end of everything, they had a tot-trot...all the kids did great and despite having to wait a bit, had a good time, thanks to the cookies and gatorade:)
Regarding the, 6.2 miles felt more like 12.2 miles...and despite the fact I felt like the race would never end, we did it...and we did it together! When I say together, I truly mean it...our times were exactly the same...down to the second! So, here's to third in our category...we so totally rock!

Friday, September 25, 2009

the joys of coming home

As previously stated, I started my new job this week and a whole new chapter of our life has just begun. Since this is my first week, and a training week, I was able to get off a little early. One particular day I got off and headed to pick up Kailyn. As I pulled in the driveway, i saw her running into the house. Excited to see her I honked and waved. Then as if I was the Ice Cream Truck or something more than wonderful, she looked up with extreme elation and smiled from ear to ear. She dropped her bag she was carrying and ran arms open to meet me in the driveway. I have to say, this may be one of the single most wonderful times in my life. I had never been greeted like this before! Immediately tears welled in my eyes and just as I thought, "man this is as good as it gets," she looked up with her arms around my neck and said, "I am so glad you are home. I really missed you today, mom." All I could manage to say was, "I missed you too baby."
When Tony got home shortly after, I told him about our joyful reunion and he simply said, "Now you know how good it feels to come home." He was all too right!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

All about Keke...a little about us...a whole lot about our little family

So, I just thought I would let everyone know that I am mostly starting this blog for our sweet daughter Kailyn (a.k.a. Keke), however, you may randomly see postings about stuff Tony or I are doing. So if you see something about running half-marathons or building decks...don't worry we're not making Kailyn an extreme athlete or teaching her to be a master craftsman...just letting you know what we are up to!


As I sit here this evening, I feel as if I am perched atop a tall mountain...waiting to skydive into the depths below. As I previously stated...everything is changing right now, and despite all this goodness I find it a little saddening as well. Tomorrow I begin training for my new job and I am very anxious, to say the least. Having not worked for five years, leaves me feeling a bit worried about what lies in store...or maybe it's just the "not knowing." In addition to job anxiety, there is also the fact that I won't be there to pick Kailyn up from Kindergarten. I know she will be in the best hands...but they won't be my hands! Change is just a crazy thing and life is simply bittersweet. All these new endeavors do bring about a sense of sadness for what we might be losing, but on the other hand an excitement about what lies in store. I remember saying once before that I often wished things would just stay as they were and never change...but then I realized how very much I would miss. So here's to new beginnings and skydiving...geronimo!

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Beautiful Ballerinas

This was so sweet...and yes I totally cried!

Ballerina Girl

As most anyone who has been around Kailyn knows, she is not the most agile girl. She has her fair share of bumps and bruises inflicted of course from various run-ins with doors, beds, and pretty much anything. I have to admit here, it is all my fault. Kailyn was not merely born with this awful clumsiness…she inherited it from her mother. I am so sorry, my sweetest daughter! Yes, together Kailyn and I look quit battered and bruised some days! In fact, when I was in high school we had an island in our kitchen. This island was the bane of my existence and because of it, I spent most of my high school years with bruises on both of my hips. I usually ran into said island at least five times a week and it almost always resulted in a bruise of one sort or another. I am just a rather clumsy person…I have to admit. So back to Kailyn. She too has her clumsy moments…which are becoming more and more frequent. It no longer shocks me when Kailyn runs crying to me and says, “The door ran into me and now I have a boo-boo!” I merely reassure her that pieces of wood can’t walk or run into us on their own…we are simply a clumsy breed of gals and maybe some day we’ll learn how to walk. Despite this, when Kailyn heard two of her best girl friends were taking ballet, she insisted she learn too. Since the class was only about three weeks long and taught by a really sweet high school girl, I thought, “why not.” Deep down inside I was actually thinking, “Thank God!! Maybe this will teach her how to walk without running into stationary objects!” Now, the class has ended and I am not sure if it had any impact on Kailyn’s walking ability, but I know she had a wonderful time. I think in those three weeks, she even became a little more “girly.” She had her recital last weekend and it was the cutest mess of organized chaos I have ever seen! Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of a whole new love for Kailyn…we’ll just have to see.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I miss my favorite boy and girl!

The house is quiet…not just for the moment…but the entire morning! Tony said goodbye around 6:15 and Kailyn just bounded into Gigi’s car and off to school. What am I supposed to do now?! It’s such a strange and rather sad feeling to walk around the house…just me and our dog Cole. It hasn’t been this way…ever! I don’t think I very much like this new found quietness! I miss my favorite boy and girl! Having Tony start work again after a fun summer is always hard and tears are often present for at least the first week…but now my Kailyn girl is gone, too! Tears are definitely present! Just looking around the house in all its emptiness makes me sad and leaves me feeling a bit empty inside. But, despite all this saddening change, I have to admit I love it when they come home! Hearing about each of their days and knowing that “yes” they can survive without me, makes things a little easier.

So many things are changing now. Tony’s back at work, Kailyn seems to have grown up in the blink of an eye and starting school, and I’m getting ready to start a new job in a week. All these changes are new and, even though I don’t want to admit it, they are wonderful. I used to wish I could just freeze time and keep Kailyn little forever, but I am realizing everyday that if that ever happened I would miss out on so much! Watching her grow has, and is the single most amazing thing to me! Seeing her change from a precious baby to a fully independent five year old has been astounding. And though I will miss our long lazy days together, I can’t help but look forward to all the new and wonderful memories that lie in store for our little family.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kailyn's first day of school!

“Mom, will we have lunch? What are we going to do? Will we just play all day? Where am I going to sit? Will it be like my old school?” As I lay with Kailyn in her bed trying in vain to put her to sleep, these questions and many more kept streaming from her mouth. I’m not sure I have ever seen her like this! She could not fall asleep, anxious for the new beginning that lay before her! “Kailyn” I said, “I am not sure what tomorrow will be like, but I know you will have a great time.” It took over an hour to finally get her to fall asleep. In five years, I am not sure it has EVER taken her that long to go to bed. I knew she was excited, but I had no idea she would be so worried about her first day of school! Actually, her book bag had been packed for almost two weeks in anticipation.

Her first day ended up going wonderfully. Tony took the day off, for moral support…thanks Hon! She woke up happy and excited to start a new part of her life and as we headed to school she was all smiles and goofiness. They had an assembly that morning and announced the rather small class of only ten children. We were able to go with her to her room for a few minutes and she seemed ready for us to leave and get on with the day. She is truly an independent girl! That afternoon, we went to pick her up and she looked totally and completely exhausted! She was so cute walking to the carpool line in her little uniform with book bag in tow…our big girl. We went out for a little post school snack of chips and cheese dip at our local Mexican restaurant. There Kailyn proceeded to tell us as much as she could remember of her day, which was…we ate and played. At least she remembered the important stuff! We asked her if she wanted to go back tomorrow and she enthusiastically nodded yes. Despite the fact that I will miss her dearly, I am so very glad she had a good first day and seems to be liking school…let’s just hope the novelty of it doesn’t wear off too soon!!