Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Athens Vaca

This summer, Tony’s school sent him to Athens for some AP training. He found out he was going to be gone a week and since our family hates to be separated, we decided to go along and make a sort of vacation out of it. It was a fun week filled with swimming, eating out, playing video games, watching movies and just spending time as a family. The funniest thing about the whole trip was when Kailyn and I met Tony at the UGA campus bookstore (which if you know anything about us, you know that this was very hard for Tony to take a course at his college rival). We arrived about five minutes before Tony and proceeded to look around. All of a sudden I hear Kailyn mumbling, “Georgia, YUCK!” I quickly shushed her, especially since we were in the heart of bulldog territory and were there to get something for her Papa. “But mom, we don’t like Georgia! We like Georgia Tech, remember!” I reassured her that I knew that, and we were just getting something for her grandfather. Her simple response was, “Why does Papa like Georgia…ugh. I like Georgia Tech! Oh, a dog.” For a moment she forgot about the team rivalry and focused on the little dog she had found. When Tony found us, I told him what his daughter had said and beaming he responded with, “That’s my girl.” All in all it was such a great time to just be together as a family despite the fact Tony had to be in class…and despite the fact we were in bulldog country.

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